
Admission Timetable

Applications for the Nursing program at EMCC are accepted on a rolling basis for summer and fall terms only. Applications are not accepted for spring enrollment. For more information or to apply, please see the Nursing Applicant page.

Students are required to provide their own transportation to and from the various clinical agencies. A schedule of classes and clinical rotations is provided at the beginning of each semester. Clinical rotations may involve evening, daytime, and weekends based on the availability of clinical sites and instructors.

In order to progress and graduate from the Nursing Program, students must maintain passing grades in clinical coursework, concurrent with maintaining at least a C (75) exam average and course grade in all required nursing theory courses.

The Associate Degree in Nursing at Eastern Maine Community College at the Bangor Campus located in Bangor, ME, is accredited by the:

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the associate degree nursing program is continuing accreditation through 2028.

NCLEX first time pass rates:

  • Graduates of 2022: 78.95%
  • Graduates of 2023: 100%
  • Graduates of 2024: 83.8%

Program Completion Rates:

  • Cohort admitted fall 2020/expected graduation spring 2022: 68.6%
  • Cohort admitted fall 2021/expected graduation spring 2023: 69.5%
  • Cohort admitted fall 2022/expected graduation spring 2024: 48.3%

Job placement rate:

  • 2022 – 100% (after passing NCLEX)
  • 2023 – 100% (after passing NCLEX)
  • 2024 – 100% (after passing NCLEX)

The Maine State Board of Nursing may refuse to grant a license on the basis of criminal history record information relating to convictions as described in Title 5, Chapter 5301, Subsection 2 of the Maine Revised Statutes, Annotated

Key Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the ADN Program, the graduate is expected to:

  • Provide person-centered care utilizing critical thinking and clinical judgment across the life span.
  • Provide safe and ethical care founded in evidence-based practice by using informatics and evolving technology to support decision making and quality of care.
  • Demonstrate legal, ethical, and professional accountability in the delivery of caring and competent nursing practice.
  • Demonstrate professional leadership and integrity by effectively using advocacy, communication, and education with the entire patient care team.

After you apply with our Free online application, you will need to complete the following steps. Check your email often for updates throughout the process!

Take the Next Steps

Check that you have or will fulfill the nursing prerequisites

You must be registered for Spring Semester courses by December 30th.
The prerequisites required for admission to EMCC’s Nursing Program are:

  • High school level Algebra I
  • High school level Biology with Lab
  • Transferable college-level Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab (EMCC’s BIO127)
  • Transferable college-level Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab (EMCC’s BIO128)
  • Transferable college-level College Composition (EMCC’s ENG101)
  • NRG101-Math for Nurses*
    • This course is offered both in-person and in an online, synchronous modality. While little is accepted in transfer for this course, a challenge exam is available.
  • Desired but not required academic courses relevant to the Nursing curriculum, include:
Apply for financial aid

Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and add Eastern Maine Community College (005277) to your form. Questions about financial aid can be directed to

Submit Required Documents

Documents must come from the High school, or other Educational Organizations directly to be considered official. Documents can be submitted to or any other document services that the school or organization uses. Many programs will require other documentation to be submitted, and you will be notified of those requirements.

Documents that need to be submitted by the Priority Deadline on December 30th:

  • Official High School Transcript, HiSet, or GED
  • Official University or College transcript (s) if you have taken classes at another institution. This includes dual or concurrent credit.

Other required Documents

  • Submit Immunization records
  • The submission deadline is May 15th
  • Northern Light Partner sites do not require a Covid vaccine
After February 1st, if you are selected for entrance into the Fall nursing program…
  • Complete Online New Student Orientation
  • Attend a mandatory nursing information session
  • Complete a background check
Frequently asked questions

When do I start clinical?

In Fall NUR 105, schedules are not released until August 1st.

Will I be required to attend a distance site if that is what I applied for? 

Yes, the location you put on the application is the location you are being considered for and will be required to attend and will not be able to switch after admission.

How do I know what will transfer into the Nursing Program? 

Preliminary, unofficial review is available through the Admissions Office upon request. Official, final transfer awards are offered after admission to an EMCC program.