Scholarship Application

Scholarship Application

By filling out this form you are submitting an application for any scholarships the EMCC Foundation may have available. If you have any questions, please contact

  • From either previous colleges, CTEs or high school
    A few scholarships are specific for single parents
    Non-traditional students typically are out of high school 10+ years; have worked in other industries and now changing; have credits but never finished with credentials.
  • If you just graduated high school, list the name of that. If you also took classes at a CTE school, list that as well. If you are returning to school after some time away, list the institutions from which you had prior learning.
  • Your background

    The sections below are so that we may find a scholarship best suited for you. Answer in as much, or as little detail as you find appropriate. Everything is read by our team and the more information you give us the better!
  • Please include position title and a brief description of your duties. You can list as many jobs as you'd like, again the more information the better.
  • Please list any community service you have previously been involved in, or currently are involved in. This includes anything within your high school, EMCC and local systems.
  • Some EMCC Foundation scholarships require an essay on why you picked this program and this college. This essay will promote your application!
  • Please share your future educational goals and aspirations.
  • Please list any and all high school, college, or community honors, awards, and recognition you have received.