Housing Accommodations

EMCC students may request reasonable disability accommodations to reduce barriers for engaging in campus housing experiences as part of their education at EMCC. EMCC students requesting housing accommodations should submit all required paperwork before identified deadlines for upcoming terms. Accommodations requests and documentation that are submitted after deadlines will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Students experience new or temporary medical conditions while living on campus should contact Accessibility Services as soon as possible to determine whether any housing accommodations are needed.

Eastern Maine Community College is dedicated to providing reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities in accordance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act and Amendments of 2009 (ADAA). Students requesting accommodations have the responsibility of registering with Accessibility Services in order to request accommodations. Reasonable accommodations are granted on an individual, case-by-case basis by the Coordinator of Accessibility Services to students with documented disabilities. Questions about Accessibility Services can be directed to Elizabeth Daigle, Coordinator of Accessibility Services, 123 Maine Hall, phone 207-974-4868 or via email Access@emcc.edu

Deadlines for submitting documentation for housing accommodations requests:

Housing accommodations requested for: Full documentation submitted by:
Summer term May 1
Fall term August 1
Spring term December 1
Examples of frequent housing accommodations include:
  • Single-occupancy residence room
  • Semi-private bathroom
  • ADA accessible bathroom
  • ADA residence room features
  • Other physical features in room/building
  • *Emotional support animal*
  • **Service dog**

*Emotional support animal (ESA)* may be requested to live in student’s room in the EMCC residence hall. ESAs are not permitted in common areas of the residence halls, in other residents’ rooms, or in other EMCC buildings and public spaces.

**Service animal** as defined under Maine Community College System is a task-trained dog that can be approved to accompany EMCC student in public areas, including classrooms, offices, library, and dining hall.

Required Documentation

1. A diagnostic statement identifying the disability:

a. The diagnosis should include a description of diagnostic methods, including the DSM-IV diagnosis if applicable, and criteria utilized, along with the date of evaluation.

2. Current functional impact of the condition:

a. Describe the current relevant functional impact of the disability in an educational setting.

b. Explain the barriers created by the disability and how it affects student’s ability to participate in and access educational opportunities, specifically living in on-campus communal housing.

c. Include details as relevant (social/emotional functioning, cognitive/ executive functioning, communication challenges)

3. The expected progression of the disability over time:

a. Provide a description of the expected change in the functional impact of the condition over time.

b. If the condition is variable or progressive, describe the known factors that may exacerbate the condition.

4. Treatment:

a. List treatments, medications, accommodations/auxiliary aids, and/or services currently in use and their estimated effectiveness in addressing the impact of the condition.

b. Include any significant side effects that may affect physical, perceptual, behavioral, or cognitive performance.

5. Recommended housing accommodations and explanations:

a. Identify possible accommodations or auxiliary aids in housing;

b.Explain how the accommodation may minimize the barriers/functional impact of the disability for student to live in on-campus housing;